Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Death is universal, it’s real, it’s powerful and it is gain. Death is the end of life here on earth; which means it is freedom and liberty, then how come people are running away from it. Even the bible says that, “There is a time to born and a time to die”. Which means that we are all going to die someday because death is not a respecter of persons, neither is it a respecter of age, background, personality, complexion, and to shock you Christianity. It is only a respecter of ‘conscious Christians’ and to an extent your discovery of purpose and your ability to affect lives with your purpose, because the moment you start touching lives, God starts touching you and therefore increasing the length of your days here on earth because he needs you to bring people into his kingdom.
Though the bible says, “Death has no power” but according to statistics an average of one person dies every four seconds. The bible also says “The grave has no sting” but people on a daily basis struggle to go into it. Death is the only stranger that comes without invitation and the visitor that has an appointment with every one.
But all the same, “Death is gain to the righteous but destruction to the sinners”
QUOTE: “Death is gain to those who campaign in the kingdom”
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