Wednesday, August 19, 2009

GO MAD(make a difference)

The madness I am talking about may not be what you are thinking. I am talking about 'making a difference'. Nobody that has ever made an impact in our generation that was normal(in quote).
When people tell you that you are mad why not accept it with all pride, for you are making a difference. You know,When somebody is behaving contrary to your expectations, you tend to see him/her as being insane.
One thing that have destroyed so many people is that, they tend to behave like everybody and at the end they themselves become a nobody. They don't want to stand out, instead they blend in.Stop pleasing people by doing what they like, please God by doing what is right. Don't do things your way, do things the right way.
Become abnormal! Don't come to this world a normal way,wear normal clothes,eat normal food,go to a normal school, go to a normal church,live in a normal house, marry a normal wife/husband, give birth to normal children,get a normal job, get a normal salary, die a normal death,buried in a normal coffin and go to a normal place! Without making any impact and your name will just be forgotten like that.
Making a difference is not only doing uncommon things but doing common things in an uncommon way. It is not only doing different things but also doing things differently.
There are three kinds of people on planet earth: those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those that asked what happened? WHAT CATEGORY DO YOU BELONG? Get wisdom!

Friday, April 10, 2009


PHILOSOPHY:"Service is the fastest and easiest way to the top"
He that will not serve is the real slave.Service is a sign of humility.So non service is the proof of pride,which is an offspring of low self-esteem.
Service is the easiest and fastest way to the top.A wise man said:"If you don't serve you cannot have".And I conform to it,because he that is faithful in little,much shall be given unto him.The best and the best gift to give your mentor is SERVICE.
John asked Jesus who will take over after he had left guess what Jesus replied,'He that wants to become the greatest must first become the least of all'.If you are too big to do small things than you will be too small to do big things.
Dr David Oyedepo said:''A hand that cannot carry chairs cannot heal the sick".If you are priviledged to attend the church this man pastors,you will see how m.d's,c.e.o's are serving as santuary keepers.You will see how car owners are sreving as bus stewards,then you will be challeged to serve wherever you find yourself.
Leadership is actually servant-hood turned inside out.Every great man you see today was once and is still a servant.Leadership is all about responsibility and that is what service is all about.Somebody defined service to be serving like an ant[serve-ants].You don't stumble into success.Life is governed by principles and this is one of it.
you can actually serve your way to the top.


It has been said that the primary need of people is 'FAME'.Everybody wants to be porpular.People want children to run after them when passing on the streets,thay want thier faces to be shown on television,they want to become celebrates,they want to have dinners with the top guys in town and so on............
That's nice but when fame becomes your priority,you end up in shame.People have deviated from God's plans for thier lives because of the word 'fame'and have started following careers that are in vogue[as it were].
Whatever you are doing,do it to impact and not to impress.Are you using your talent to show off or to show forth?.Life is all about impact.You won't be remembered for the people you impress,you will only be remembered for the people you impacted.Therefore if you are doing whatsoever you are doing to impress,then you are not following God's plan for your life.
Dr David Oyedepo said:"Don't seek to be known, seek to know and when you know poeple will know you".So many of us are seeking to be known instead of seeking to know.What you know is much more important than who knows you because what you know ultimately determines who will know you.The irony of the issue is that when you impact people,you end up impressing them.But when you impress them thay will only miss your presence.
So I urge you never to do anything to impress but to do every thing to 'IMPACT'.
QUOTE:"Impartation is the key to manifestation"

Monday, March 2, 2009


Philosophy:''Though thy begining be small, your later end shall greatly increase"

Nothing starts big, every big thing starts small.The only thing that starts from the top is the grave,every other thing starts from the scratch.Don't be discouraged to start,every great outfit,great individual of any area of expertise started small.
The tree was once a seed.The Dog was once a Puppy.The fowl was once a Chick.The Pig was once a Piglet.The Rabbit was once a kitten.The Cow was once a Calf.The Goat was a kid.The man was once a boy.The woman was once a girl.Everything sarts small.
It has been said that the journey of a thousand mile begins with a single step.You can't build a house starting from the top,you have to start from the foundation.And the depth of the foundation ultimately determines the height of the building.So how you start determines how you finish.
Start with what you have,start small.The glory of the latter house shall be greater than that of the former said the scriptures.The scripture also said :'Better is the end of a thing than the begining thereof'.Starting small those not mean you are small.Where you are is nothing compared to where you are going.I am not where I want to be but at the same time I am not where I use to be.The fear of starting small is the fear of growing big.Because what you don't start will not grow.The best time to plant a tree was 20yrs ago but the 2nd best time is now.start now and start small.
Think big start small and grow fast.

Friday, February 6, 2009


There is this myth destroying the youths of today that 'sex is love'.Love is the most used word but at the same time the most misunderstood word.Love can be said to be caring, sharing and giving.
Some people are in lust, thinking they are in love while others are infatuated thinking they are in love.Love, lust and infatuation are three different things.Love is a deep positive feeling towards somebody or something.Lust is a sexual feeling towards somebody while infatuation is being filled with deep unreasoning feeling.When you are infatuated, you are being cotrolled by chemicals called phynethylamine.
The males are made up of a hormone called 'Testosterone' which makes them wants sex while the ladies are made up a hormone called 'Estrogen' which makes them wants love and relationship.It has been said that most ladies that went into sex ,went into it not because they really wanted to do it but because they wanted to keep the guy or the relationship.
Be careful as a lady when a guy tells you that you are the sugar in his tea and that you are the coackroach in his cupboard.Biologically, too much of sugar causes diabetes, so becareful cause you might give him diabetes one day.And also a coackroach in the cupboard when seen is killed.So be careful cause you might be killed.
And also it is because of the testosterone that will make a guy tell you that if you love him you should prove it (by having sex with him).The next time a guy tells you to prove that you love him buy him a gift (probably a book) but if he insists that love can only be proved by sex, then I will advice you to also make a demand on him by telling him to also prove his love to you by walking naked ten miles away from where you are.If he cannot grant your request then do not grant his.
Any guy that wants to have sex with you does not love you!so quit!you may not like it but it's true.
Love gives but sex takes, love shares but sex retrieves, love cares but sex destroys.
Had it been sex is love or love is sex , God would have had sex with every one of us because the bible says 'God so loved us'.
Any one that wants to have sex with you hates you .Run away from such a one,he/she wants to destroy you.You must first love yourself before any bodyelse can loves you.Love is first horisontal before vertical.
Note: The guys hormone is made up for sex while the female hormones are made for relationship so when sex meets with relationship it becomes 'sexual relationship'
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