Wednesday, December 6, 2017


I think it was Dr Mike Murdock who said "The secret of the success of anyone is hidden in their daily routine". "Right things done daily compound into success and wrong things done daily compound into failure" said a wise man. It is therefore apparent that there is no mystery to succeeding or failing. It means that we can say a lot about where a person would end up just by looking at their daily routine.

Haven said that,it is important to pay attention to the things we do daily. It would be wise to create a system around the things we must do daily. I'm aware that some personalities might not fancy routine (I'm one of such), but the bitter truth is that if you must succeed there are certain things that must be routinely done- those things might now have to vary from person to person. For me for instance, THINKING, PRAYING, CONFESSION, READING are part of my "must-do-list" and I've created systems that help me to achieve them daily (I'm still fine tuning the systems to make it more favourable and achievable).

For instance, my bathing time is my confession time, my toilet time is my thinking time (I still got some beautiful ideas today when I was sitting on the throne. Lol). So I only skip thinking the day I don't sit on the throne and skip my confession the day I miss taking my bath which is almost impossible.

So you see how you can practically create systems around the things that are most important to you?

I hope this helps

I value you!

Miracle O. Ihuoma
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