Wednesday, April 8, 2015


There happen to be seven dimensions to our lives, and I find the emotional dimension to be one of the most cardinal dimensions amongst others. Truth be said, emotions affect every area of our lives. And only those that have mastered their emotions can truly succeed. For instance, in the work place you hear something like “emotional intelligence” which is a vital quality to make it big there. Emotional intelligence is another word for emotional mastery. Without it you cannot succeed in the workplace, without it you cannot succeed in relationships, you can’t just succeed. Without it you won’t be able to differentiate between your home and your workplace. If for instance, you are the boss at work, without emotional mastery, you will come home to your family, ordering your wife and children the same way you do at work. Without emotional mastery, you won’t be able to differentiate between your wife and your secretary and who you should sleep with. It is the lack of emotional mastery that is the causal factor why our celebrities never last in marriages- they are only actors anyway. They fail to realize that they are only a celebrity on stage not at home- stop expecting your wife to treat you like your fans will. Can you see how powerful recognizing differences are? Dr Mike Murdock said “Wisdom is the ability to recognize differences”
How do you handle criticism? How do you handle anger? Emotional mastery/intelligence tells you that you don’t transfer aggression or anger on somebody else who is not the person that got you angry in the first place. It is a form of defense mechanism in psychology called displacement . How do you handle your sexual emotions? At the root of many mental illness, divorce, break ups, wretchedness, physical ailment and even death is lack of emotional mastery.
Emotional mastery is simply mastering your emotions. Solomon Jesse said, “Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life”. That’s another way of saying guard your emotions with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. The heart is the seat of our emotions while the head is the seat of our logic and reasoning. Emotional mastery is about controlling you emotions and not allowing your emotions control you.
Mike Tyson never had emotional mastery and it cost him his career. Strauss Kahn never had emotional mastery and it cost him his ambition. I can keep mentioning loads and loads of people who lack of emotional mastery cost them something valuable. Lack of emotional mastery will always cost you something, something valuable.



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