Thursday, September 30, 2010
I don’t know if you have been battered, shattered, bufflted, abused or raped and you have now become the shadow of your past .the message today is there still hope.
The woman caught in the act was brought to Jesus by religious men, they asked, testing Jesus, if they should stone her to death according to the law of Moses or release her according to the new commandment Jesus was introducing .But Jesus said to them : “he that hath no sin, let him cast the first stone on her”. And they left with their face on the ground. And Jesus said to the woman, “go in and sin no more”. God does not condemn us, he only commends us, for Christ commended his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
It doesn’t matter who is condemning you, if your creator is not condemning you then I don’t see any reason why you or any anybody else should condemn you.” for there is therefore now no more condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus …”
The woman oprah winfrey was raped by her uncle at the age six (6) and was consistently raped and abused by her relatives and other people till the age of sixteen when she got pregnant, to cut the long story, look at her today, making impact all around the world, she is presently the wealthiest black woman on planet earth and her show is the largest in the world .so what are telling me. You can still make the most out of your life .most times; your mess becomes your message. Your weakness may be your major strength.
Now lets do this experiment together; please bring out a currency either pound, dollar, euro, naira etc anyone from your pocket, lets use naira as our general example. If I bring out one-hundred naira (N100), the value of the cash is one hundred naira right? Yes, if I squeeze the currency, how much is it still worth? One hundred naira. if I step on it, how much is it still worth?, one hundred naira ,I still presume , if I write on it , how much is it still worth one hundred naira . if you tear it and join it together again , how much is it still worth ?,one-hundred naira ,no matter what I do to it , it doesn’t depreciate in value .it still remains one hundred naira .so no matter what happens to you, may be you have been squeezed ,stepped upon , torn battered ,raped ,abused .I have a good news for you, your value hasn’t depreciated you are still worth the same as your pastor or the most holy person you may think of in the eyes of GOD. God doesn’t love your pastor or whosoever more than you. You are precious to him, jut like the torn one hundred naira, he wants to put you back together again.
Give your heart to him, for he doesn’t just want to amend it, he wants to give you a new one. Remember. If any man is in Christ Jesus he is a new creature, old things are passed away behold ‘all’ things have become new. Your story today shall be your glory today.
Miracle o. ihuoma.
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