I believe that before an individual ventures into something, whether business or relationship,he/she needs requisite knowledge needed to do well in such venture. Is it not amazing that 8 out of every 10 business fail? And 1 out of every 2 love relationships will end in break up? All because of IGNORANCE.
Success in relationship does not happen by default-preparedness will always preceed proper performance. It is a pity that a lot of people prepare to enter almost everything except relationships. An individual just wakes up one morning and decide to enter into a love relationship without adequate knowledge. Dr David Oyedepo said that "You don't fail exams because you don't know anything,you fail exams because you don't know enough". Dear friends,knowlEDGE is what gives you an EDGE over others.
Welcome to a new series where we will help you put certain things in place before entering a love relationship.
It's a wonderful day!
We started looking at the importance of knowledge before start a love relationship. The truth is that a lot of people in love relationships want to come out while some others are eager to enter. Whatever category you are,this series is going to benefit you greatly. If you are in a relationship already,your eyes will be open to see what you need to put in place to keep the relationship going or to break the relationship if necessary and start more intelligently.
Then if you are not in a relationship yet,you are very favoured to be knowing these things at such a time as this just before you enter into a love relationship;because what I can assure you is that if you put the things we will be talking about to work,they will save you a lot of heartaches people are having in relationships when you start one.
I seriously wish that everybody will these before starting a love relationship,heart breaks will reduce by at least 50% if not more.
It's a beautiful day!
Just before you enter into a love relationship...
1. Discover God:
Every living thing or being has a source and cannot function effectively outside the source. The fish cannot survive outside water(it's source),the plant cannot survive outside the soil(it's source),human beings cannot survive or better put function properly outside God (our source). Humanity cannot actually do much without divinity,love relationship inclusive.
Relationship should first be vertical(with God) before horizontal(with man/woman). The triangle depicts this relationship well-With God on the top of the triangle,the man on the left and the woman on the right. That is,the man should have a workable relationship with God on top,draws strength from that relationship to relate properly with his woman on the same plane. The woman also has a workable relationship with her creator,draws strength from that relationship to relate effectively with her partner on the same plane. A relationship working like this will be void of many stress. The reason for a lot of friction in relationships is because one or both partner is trying to draw strength from the other person instead of from their creator.
It's a wonderful day!
If you missed our last series on redefining sex,you can read it up on my blog www.miracleihuoma.blogspot .com.
Just before you enter into a love relationship,you need to discover God and also ascertain that your proposed partner has also done the same. Because anyone that does not have a cordial relationship with God may not have a successful relationship with "man" or with the opposite sex. Hear this-God is love! That means if you don't have God and if you don't know him,you don't have true love. There is what is called the nature of love and the act of love,the nature of love is what produces the acts of love and because God is love,He is the one that inputs that nature in us when we receive him. So anyone that has not received Him does not have that nature,therefore is only acting up;and therefore susceptible to misbehaving anytime because he/she does not have the nature of love. Remember,love covers the multitude of sins. And please don't tell us he/she has changed because they were acting well during courtship but differently now in marriage,they have always been like that. If they don't possess the nature of love,they can only act up for a while. Look out for the software as much as you are looking for the hard ware. This is the one thing that controls every other things.
Just before you start a love relationship...DISCOVER GOD!
It's a wonderful day!
We have successfully established that just before you start a love relationship,you need to DISCOVER GOD. Please if you have not done that,you are not qualified to enter into a love relationship.
Purpose is the reason for your existence. Martin Luther king(jnr) said "If you don't have a reason to die,you are not fit to live". I believe that if you have not discovered your purpose,you are not fit to enter into a love relationship. A blind man cannot lead a blind woman,they will both fall into the ditch. If you don't know where you are going,why jeopardize another's destiny by taking him/her along with you. Please never marry a man/woman without purpose,it is very dangerous. Somebody said if you leave a man with vision for a man with television,someday both of you will watch the guy with vision on your television. When choosing a partner,look out for reality as well as potential.
Just before you start a love relationship...discover GOD,DISCOVER PURPOSE.
Where there is no vision the people perish. Where there is no vision and a sense of purpose relationships crash,marriages fail and families go down the drain. Instead of asking the guy/lady "How much do you have in your bank account?" Why not ask him "what is your purpose for existence?" "Where will you be in the next five/ten years?" And the like. Because even if he has money now,his lack of purpose discovery will take the money from his account. And though he may not have the money now,but his sense of purpose will put money in his pocket. Please choose wisely! But above choosing someone with a sense of purpose is to become one yourself. Do you have a sense of purpose? Do you know where you are going? Where will you be in the next five/ten years? Don't become a liability to your partner,bring something to the table. Anyways,you will always attract who you are in relationships,so if you don't know where you are going,you will attract the same kind of people in your life. If you don't like what you are attracting,check who you have become.
Just before you start a love relationship...discover GOD,DISCOVER PURPOSE.
Where there is no vision the people perish. Where there is no vision and a sense of purpose relationships crash,marriages fail and families go down the drain. Instead of asking the guy/lady "How much do you have in your bank account?" Why not ask him "what is your purpose for existence?" "Where will you be in the next five/ten years?" And the like. Because even if he has money now,his lack of purpose discovery will take the money from his account. And though he may not have the money now,but his sense of purpose will put money in his pocket. Please choose wisely! But above choosing someone with a sense of purpose is to become one yourself. Do you have a sense of purpose? Do you know where you are going? Where will you be in the next five/ten years? Don't become a liability to your partner,bring something to the table. Anyways,you will always attract who you are in relationships,so if you don't know where you are going,you will attract the same kind of people in your life. If you don't like what you are attracting,check who you have become.
Compliments of the season!
Just before you enter into a love relationship...discover purpose.
Isn't it amazing that the first thing God gave man(Adam) wasn't a relationship(wife)? The first thing God gave him(man) was a sense of purpose-"And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it"-Gen 2:15. But how come a lot of people go into love relationships without having an idea of their God given purpose and that is why they compromise in those relationships. There is nothing like doing first things first. Please purpose first before wife or better put babe. Get a life before a life partner.
Some tips to discovering your purpose for living are:
- prayer of inquiry
- Looking at your natural abilities
- taking cues from your passion
- Looking at your past and how you can correct it in the future
- Taking cues from your personaility
I know this is not detailed enough,but if you are really serious about discovering your purpose,you can connect with me on any of the social network platforms and we can talk about it,and I'm sure at the end of the day you will come to a realization of why you are here.
For those of you that have not sent in my chicken,there is God o.
We started looking at the third thing you need to put in place before starting a love relationship which is discovering your worth/value. And we said that one consequence of entering into a love relationship without discovering your worth is that your esteem will be attached to the other person. Another consequence is that there is a high tendency for your partner to take advantage of you. Either sexually or even physically. And you know what? A lot of victims of this still justify and engage a defense mechanism in psychology called "rationalization" to protect their ego and conscience. I have seen ladies beaten up by guys,yet remain the relationship with the excuse of love-that's foolishness actually. It is a revelation of your lack of identity if you are being abuse either sexually,verbally or physically in a relationship and you still remain. Grow up!
When you know who you are,you will carry yourself well,you won't sleep with just anybody,you won't date just any body. You automatically become choosy and picky,it is not pride it is called "good self esteem". The same way it is not pride that the Lion cannot feed on grass. Discover your self.
Compliments once again!
Discovering your worth/value is a prerequisite to entering into a love relationship. And we promised to help us reveal what we are worth in today's write-up. And that's exactly what we are going to do.
Some days we celebrated christmas which is suppose to be the birth of Jesus,the saviour of the world,the son of God. He came primarily to die,not to preach. He came to die for you and me. The price was heavy for a product like us,the price was His blood,Himself. And one way to know the value/worth of a product is the price of the product. And guess how much you are worth? You are worth the blood of JESUS. You are valuable! This for me calls for celebration and a paradigm shift.
You are wonderfully and fearfully made. No matter what you may consider as a physical inability/disability that may be affecting your esteem negatively, your physique/design is for the achievement of purpose. The shortness of "Akin" and "Paw paw" (Nigerian actors) is the peculiarity of their purpose and what you may term as their unique selling point.
You are a child of the almighty God. "You are gods and children of the most high God"(Psalm82:5-6,John10:34-35)
Trust these few words has to an extent revealed your worth/value. You are more than this!
It's a wonderful day!
Just before you enter into a love relationship...discover God,discover purpose,discover your worth/value and today,we will be talking about developing your self.
If you do not develop yourself before entering into a love relationship,you will have nothing to offer/give when you do; thereby becoming a parasite in the relationship. And I bet you no one wants to relate or date a parasite,not for long. Parasitic relationships are sapping. I tell people that love is not symbiotic but relationship is. That's why it's called relationship in the first place-it is give and take as it were. You have to bring something to the table. It's a life long commitment to get the other person better. And you can't do that if you have not worked on yourself first. You cannot give what you don't have.
It's a wonderful day!
Just before you enter into a love relationship...
4. DEVELOP YOURSELF: We will be rounding up this series today with the year. And it's very important we pay attention to the things we have said thus far.
I liken us to be a building. The better you become, the better the kind of people you attract. Just like an uncompleted building will attract rogues and thieves, a completed,well painted and furnished one will attract millionaires and serious minded people. Don't enter into a relationship prematurely. Who you want to attract will determine how well you want your building to be before you put it up for sale.
Develop your self thoroughly. Avoid becoming a thing to be used,rather endeavour to become a being to be respected.
So just before you enter into a love relationship...DISCOVER GOD,DISCOVER PURPOSE,DISCOVER YOUR WORTH/VALUE and DEVELOP YOURSELF.
Miracle O. Ihuoma
BB: 290B26F1
Twitter: @miracle2025
Some call it fun,others say it is love or the expression of it,some say it is a covenant,while others say it is nothing.A lot of people do it,but very few understand its potentialities.
How will you feel if you wake up one morning to discover that the oldest man in Nigeria is 45?
How will you feel to wake up one day to discover that a 20year old man that is suppose to bring about the long awaited change as the future president of Nigeria has contracted HIV and has only two yrs to live?
What would have happened to South Africa if Nelson Mandela contracted HIV as a teenager?
What would have been the fate of the black race if Martin Luther King(jnr) and Barrack Obama were busy chasing girls in their adolescent years?
Have you ever wondered how India would have turned out if Mahatma Ghandi lost his destiny to sexual perversion?
Do you know that if nothing is done quickly,75 million Nigerians will be living with HIV in the year 2020?
Are you aware that 86% of people infected with sexually transmitted disease are aged from 15 through 29?And so are people reading this piece.
The truth is that the odds are against us and we need to do something about this as fast as possible.
My mentor Praise Fowowe will always say that if truth about sex is not discovered,lies will be taught from one generation to the other.
It's a wonderful day!
We started redefining sex from the last bc we had. So why is it important to redefine sex? Because your definition of a thing determines your perception of that thing and your perception of it determines to a large extent how you relate with it. Do you know why you cannot sleep with your sibling(all things remaining equal)? It is not because you are the same blood,it is because you know you are the same blood and you know it is a sacrilege to sleep with your sibling-in one word in short,it is because of the "perception" you have of him/her.
So your definition of what sex is will determine how you perceive it and how you perceive it will determine how you relate with it. For instance if you see sex as fun,you will do it anytime you are bored or feel like having fun with anybody that is also ready to do the same.If you see it as exercise,anytime you want to develop muscle or exercise,you will do it.
Dr Myles Munroe of blessed memory said "When the purpose of a thing is not known,abuse is inevitable". So...we will try to establish the purpose and meaning of sex in this series. And in the next session we will be trashing several sex myths that have distorted the thought process of many about sex.
Until we see again,remain sexpurecentric!
Good morning giants!
Trust your night was great. We have been discussing redefining sex,and we promised to tackle some myths/lies that have distorted people's perception about premarital sex. Remember,when the truth about sex is not discovered,lies will be taught from one generation to the other.
#myth 1:God is against sex.
This is a religious myth used by a lot of religious folks in the bid to threaten people against having pre/extramarital sex. But the truth is that God is not against sex. It was created by Him in the first place. And remember when He did,He said it was very good. Sex produced both of us,so God is not against sex. Sex is a good thing. God is only against the ABUSE of sex,i.e having sex with the wrong person at the wrong time.
#myth 2: Sex is not sweet
This is another myth used by religious people. But nothing can be farther than the truth. Sex is very sweet. You know what I'm saying*winks. You cannot be pierced with a needle and be reinforced to go back. Life works with the pain and pleasure principle-we move towards what gives us pleasure and run away from what brings us pain.So for people to be engaging in it this much,it tells us that it is sweet.
#myth 3: We will become impotent if we do not exercise our sexuality on time.
This is a myth told to the male gender. Well...there is more tendency to be impotent if you start exercising your sexuality too early.
...To be continued
Please feel very free to send in myths/lies you have heard about sex so that we can trash them.
Until we meet again,remain sexually pure!
It's a great morning!
Trust your night was splendid. Thanks to those who sent in myths/lies they have heard about sex, we promise to trash as many as we can in the course of this series.
We will continue with #myth 4: We will experience accumulation of sperm if we do not have sex which can lead to death
This reminds me of a story told to me by one of my friends. He said a childhood friend of his told him that the reason he engages in premarital sex is because, they had a ceremony in their village for which they bought a cow. A day to the ceremony, the cow fell, semen was coming out of its penis and it died. A funny story right? But it was powerful enough to motivate somebody to start having sex. And some persons have come to believe this lie. In the first place, there is nothing like accumulation of sperm. God has put systems in place to regulate what you may call excess semen-which is what is known as nocturnal emission commonly known as wet dream. So please having wet dream as a guy below 23 does not mean you are possessed, you don't need to go for deliverance. That's simply how semen in our system is regulated.
#myth 5: If we don't have sex our menstruation will be painful
This is a lie told to ladies. The question is are there not women who have given birth to children and yet have menstrual pain?If sex were to be the cure for it,these women shouldn't be complaining of that.
The truth is many of these myths are not told to educate people,most are told to initiate people into the act of having premarital sex.
Thanks for your time. Please don't forget to send in more myths as you remeber them. Together we can reduce "sexual abuse" I.e the abuse of sex
Until we meet again,remain sexually pure!
I remain Miracle O. Ihuoma, your sexual recovery and relationship coach.
I value you!
Good morning folks!
It's another day to help somebody change their perception about pre and maybe extramarital sex. We will continue with #myth 6: If we have sex,our skin disease will leave.
If you have skin disease, what you need to do is see a doctor not sex.
#myth 7: If we have sex our waist pain will be healed.
You are probably a lazy person to be having waist pain in the first place. Get up do some exercise and stop justifying your lack of responsibility.
#myth 8: Sex is a true way of expressing love.
Yes it is in the marriage environment, but outside it,it is a true way of expressing selfishness. If this were to be true prostitutes would have been the most loved and loving people there is on the face of the earth. Love does not seek its own, premarital sex is selfish. Love gives,premarital sex takes. Love shares,premarital retrieves. Love cares,premarital sex destroys!
#myth 9: We will be tied or keep our guy/lady when we have sex with him/her.
If a guy/lady wants to leave you because you have refused to sleep with him/her,it means (s)he is not the right person for you in the first place-good riddance to bad rubbish! Or will you like to marry someone that does not have control over his/her emotion?
#myth 10: Girls are sex objects,guys are sex machines.
Perception is everything! If you see her/him as a sex object,you will never see any value in her/him other than her/his body. We are not things to be used,we are beings to be respected-we are human beings not human things. I will like to give you an assignment-As begin to see every lady as either your daughter,sister,mother or as your friend's queen. As a lady begin to see every guy as either your father,brother,son or friend's king.
...To be continued
Until we meet again remain sexually pure
I value you!
It's a wonderful day!
#myth 11: The more I do it,the more fertile I become.
Actually,the more you do it,the more fallow you become. Or have you seen a land that becomes fertile as a result of regular use?
#myth 12: Caressing,petting,
The question is what are they? In fact one of the dictionary meaning of sex is two individuals of the opposite sex playing with their genitals I.e sex organs. Stop deceiving yourself!Self deception is the greatest level of deception. And some persons that have done all this still pose themselves as virgins just because their hymen is still intact-it's crazy. It's just like having syphilis,gonorrhea,thyphoid,
#myth 13: Since we are engaged we can have sex.
Please engagement and marriage are two different things. Thank God they are even different in spelling. Until you are married you are not married and nothing can change that,not even a ring. A guy for instance can go to the extent of proposing to you to sleep with you if he thinks you have this mindset. Marriage is honourable,the bed undefiled.
...To be continued
Until we meet again remain sexually pure
I value you!
It's a wonderful day!
#Myth 14: Condom can prevent
Contraction of HIV and pregnancy.
Yes it may but can it protect your mind? If it can protect you from sexually transmitted diseases(STD),can it protect you from spiritually transmitted diseases(STD)? World health organization says it is just about 70-80% safe,what happens to the 20-30%?.Have you read what is written on the condom leaflet?This is what it reads: "No method of contraception (prevention of pregnancy) however can provide 100% protection against pregnancy or the transmission of HIV/AIDS or other STI's. The federal ministry of health advises that you avoiding sex altogether or sticking to one sexual partner who has been tested for HIV & found uninfected are the best protections against HIV/AIDS & STI's". This also goes for contraceptive pills.
#myth 15: Every body is doing, it so what is the big deal?
Do you remember this song by Ikechukwu I guess- "Kini big deal kini big dea...shebi shebi we're on fire,shebi shebi we're on fire". Well,let's even start by stating that not everybody is doing it. I was speaking to a group of young people last week and I said I personally know at least 20 to 30 virgins but most did not believe me. But it's the truth. You remember in the bible when Elijah told God he was the only prophet remaining in Israel? God told him that there are 7000 others he didn't know of. So for every one person that is not doing it,remember that there are at least 7000 others.And by the way even if everybody is doing it does that make it right?And if nobody is doing it does that make it wrong? If everybody for instance decide to eat through their nose,does that make it right? What is wrong is wrong irrespective of who or how many people are doing it.
...To be continued
Until we meet again remain sexually pure
I value you!
It's a glorious day!
#myth 16: You need to use what you have to get what you want.
But people that use this myth forget that you may also get what you don't want- STI's/STD's, unwanted' pregnancy etc
#myth 17: Money for hand back for ground.
This one is like the previous one. Please it is (wedding)ring for hand back for ground.
#myth 18: How can you buy a product you haven't tasted.
Hmmm...this is reducing a human being to a thing, becuase you only test things not beings. God created me in his own image and likeness,I'm perfect. He saw me and said I was good. So if God can qualify me who is it that can disqualify me? I'm not a thing to be tested,I'm a being to be respected and treated with dignity.
#myth19: If I don't do it now,it will be painful in the future.
If its your first time as a lady,it will be a bit painful whether you do it now or you do it 20yrs from now. So why not do it when its worth the pain? Why not do it when its just going to be a physical pain rather than do it when it's going to be both physical and emotional pain.
...to be continued
Until we meet again, remain sexually pure.
I value you!
It's a wonderful day!
#myth 20: Child birth will be painful if you don't exercise your sexuality on time.
Many people have made God look stupid with some of these myths. But the truth is that we can't be wiser than God. The capacity of an adult to deliver a baby is not dependent on how early she started having sex. For the purpose of the audience reading this, I will just say that having sex for nine months is enough to get you ready for child birth. Haven't you seen or heard of 12yrs old children that had sex as virgins,got pregnant and didn't have sex again until after delivery and yet never had any complication?
#Myth 21: I cannot do without sex.
Hmmm...have you said this before?Are you frustrated about sexual addiction?Do you think you have done everything you know to do yet still held captive by this 'monster'? I have good news for you-there must be a way out! I tell people that God cannot demand from you what He has not given you the potential to deliver. Please write that down and meditate on it. If God does that,it means He is either wicked or foolish and you know God is known of that. So if He has demanded sexual purity from us,it means we can live sexually pure lives.Many have been addicted and are free,even helping other people. Your mess can turn out to be your message. But you must believe that it is possible. It may not be easy,but is possible!
...to be continued
Until we meet again remain sexually pure.
I value you!
It's a wonderful day!
The 21st myth we discussed yesterday,brought us to the end of the sex myths. But we won't successfully end this series if we don't discuss what I call 'sex truths' and also define sex.
#sex truth 1: There is nothing to lose for not having sex but there is so much to lose for having sex outside the marriage environment.
#sex truth 2: The most important thing in life is not sex. I've have had to tell myself this over and over again when I'm under the pressure of having sex. Because the media has made us believe that the most important thing in life is sex and that is why they will use the image of a naked lady to advertise men's wears-now tell me what's the connection.
#sex truth 3: Nobody has ever died as a result of not having sex but many have been killed as a result of perverting sex. Have you ever seen any obituary that reads "we regret to announce the death of say Mr Okoro who died as a result of not having sex"? But have you seen or heard about people who died as a result of HIV/AIDS they contracted via sex,abortions etc?
#sex truth 4: Lack of sex does not hinder the fulfillment of purpose. They are many person who never got married yet fulfilled purpose. Condoleezza Rice,the former secretary of states of USA celebrated her 50th birthday a virgin.
#sex truth: It is possible to wait till marriage without sex. "All things are possible to him/her that believes" quotes the holy scriptures. Please note the clause "him/her that believes,so you have to believe it for it to be possible for you. It is not going to be easy to wait till marriage, I will be deceiving you to make you believe that,but it is possible and if it is possible,I want to go for it. I don't know about you.
...to be continued
Until we meet again remain sexually pure
I value you!
It's a wonderful day!
#sex truth 6: The sex urge is God's gift to you,how you use it is your gift back to God. So the question is what kind of gift do you want to give God? Anytime you feel like having sex,it's a proof you're still alive. You should lift up your hands and give God praise. Everybody feels like having sex,if you don't you either need medical attention or deliverance because it's suppose to be a function of hormones. But that urge is suppose to be contained until the marriage environment as God has put within you everything needed to do so.
Now here comes the big question-WHAT IS SEX? Hmmm. If I were to ask you this question,what would be your response? I will give us a definition my mentor Praise Fowowe taught me years back and by tomorrow,we would try to explain in details-"Sex is a covenant exchange of life,love and pleasure between the man and the woman in the marriage environment for the purpose of unity,procreation and expression of marital love". An understanding of this definition will change your sex life forever. Stay tuned!
You can also send in your definitions about sex.
Until we meet again, remain sexually pure.
I value you!
It's been a wonderful day I guess!
We defined sex as a covenant exchange of love,life and pleasure between the man and the woman in the marriage environment for the purpose of unity,procreation and expression of marital love.
The first you should take into cognizance is that sex is a covenant and it is an exchange. Wow this alone can take us one week to analyze. Some years back I was trying to convince a lady to stop premarital sex all to no avail until I asked if she can have a blood covenant with somebody, and she screamed "for what!",not knowing that she had already had blood covenants with everyone she has slept with. Sex is a blood covenant which is the greatest kind of covenant because it involves blood. The bible says that "A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and they shall become ONE FLESH". Note that it didn't say one spirit but one flesh. They don't become one flesh when they leave, they become one flesh when they cleave (after sex). It is sex that seals a marriage. And that's why people ask "has the marriage been consumated?" I.e have you guys sealed the marriage with sex?. What does that tell us,you actually get married with anybody you sleep with. Anyone you sleep with leaves a part of themselves in you. Hmmm...you can imagine how many people some persons are actually married to. The mathimatics to it is that you are not just married to the persons you have sleeping with,you are also married to all the people the people you have slept have slept with. Hope you got that. So for instance if you have slept with 3persons and each of those 3 persons have slept with 2persons each,how many persons have you slept with in total?...9persons,correct!
This should humble you and help you put your libido in check.
...to be continued.
Until we meet again, remain sexually pure
I value you!
We started redefining sex and we stated clearly that sex is a covenant and also an exchange. Things are exchanged during sex-each person gives the other what they carry. And that's why if an individual who has gonorrhea sleeps with another individual who has HIV,the one that had only gonorrhea will now have both gonorrhea and HIV while the one with only HIV will now have both HIV and gonorrhea after sex. Now those are the ones we can see,the question is what about the things we can't see that we get during premarital sex? What about spiritually transmitted diseases? I heard of a story of a guy that slept with a lady with partial madness and became partially mad after sex,I also heard of a guy that developed major depression after sleeping with a lady who was suffering from depression. Sex is an exchange!
The next statement is that sex is between THE man and THE woman. It is not between just any man and any woman. As we all know "the" is a definite article in the english language and has to do with a particular person or thing. So sex is suppose to be between a particular man and woman. Then its suppose to be in the marriage environment i.e the man and the woman are only permitted to have sex within the confines of marriage as the only thing called safe sex is in the marriage environment.
...to be continued
Until we meet again, remain sexually pure!
I value you!
It's another wonderful day!
We have defined sex as the covenant exchange of life,love and pleasure between the man and the woman in the marriage environment for the purpose of unity,procreation and expression of marital love.
We have successfully established that sex is a covenant and an exchange-sex never leaves you the same. It is just like mixing one brand of drink, say coke with fanta. The coke never remains as coke,so does the fanta-the former coke is now coke-fanta while the former fanta is now fanta-coke.
We also said that it is suppose to be between THE man and THE woman in the marriage environment.
Now what was the original purpose why God created sex? He created sex to establish first unity between couples. Have you wondered why our parents look alike? Don't be too quick to say that it's because they have lived together for many years. If a total stranger lives with you for 20yrs they will never look like you,the reason you look a bit like your sibling is 'blood'. So basically our parents get to look like each other over time because of sexual intercourse. So the question is who are you united to?
...to be continued
Until we meet again, remain sexually pure.
I value you!
This is the day that the Lord has made!
We started looking at the purpose of sex yesterday,and we said that the first purpose of sex is for unity. The second purpose why God created sex specifically for married people is for 'procreation'.i.e the ability to reproduce after our kind.
In marriage pregnancy is a blessing,out side marriage it is a burden. In marriage pregnancy brings joy,outside marriage it brings sorrow. In marriage the man is happy to spend,outside marriage the man is happy to abort. In marriage it is expected,outside marriage it is a unwanted. In marriage it comes as a surprise,outside it comes as a shock. According to Nollywood,in marriage it is 'Honey guess what' outside marriage it is 'I can't find it(period)'.:D
Actually I don't subscribe to the fact that a guy impregnates a lady and calls it 'unwanted pregnancy'-what were you expecting? How can you put your hands in the fire and expect not be burned? How can you go to the market and expect not to hear noise? Anytime you have sex outside marriage please expect a baby. That's one of the primary purposes why God created it,it's not just to have fun.
...to be continued
Until we meet again, remain sexually pure.
I value you!
You have a choice to be happy today!
This is about the sixteenth BC on redefining sex and I'm sure our perspective have changed about what sex is all about.
Today we want to talk about the last purpose of sex-and that is the expression of MARITAL love. I had to place an emphasis on the marital because I know some persons might choose to see only love and ignore the marital. But the truth is sex is only an expression of love in the marriage environment. Outside of marriage it is an expression of selfishness-Because in marriage the goal is to satisfy the other person,outside marriage the goal is to satisfy yourself. There could be no better way to express love in the marriage environment and that's why the bible calls it fraud when you deprive your spouse sex. You make love in marriage, you have sex outside it. "And Adam KNEW Eve his wife" (Gen4:1)-that's talking about sex! It is another level of knowing someone,another level of intimacy. But other places in scriptures where two people had sex outside marriage,you will see something like "this lay with this".
This brings us to the end of this series,please make a commitment to keep your self for your king or queen. Feel free to send in questions,comments and speaking engagements. Let's join hands to make our world a better place.
Watch out for the next series!
Until we meet again, remain sexually pure!
I value you!
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