Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Have you heard this before "Time heals"? Well...I'm sure you've heard that in different versions and trust me I've also thought so until " recently" when I started to ask myself, does time truly heal? And it dawned on me like the morning that time doesn't really heal, yes you heard me right. Don't be too quick to get defensive, hear me out.
Time has a role, a major role actually to play in the healing process but every healing requires more than just TIME. Looking at natural wounds as a case study, you would discover that there are wounds that got worse with time until you applied something else called TREATMENT (I'll get back to this). When we get hit with ailments like malaria, thyphoid, etc why don't we just wait for time to pass to get healed? Most of us take drugs(whether native or English), injections and all to get cured and healed. So why do we invoke the principle of TIME when it comes to emotional healing?
Some of us might want to recall how certain wounds we had got healed over time without having to do anything extra- good point! But do you also realize that every time you get wounded and allow time heal it, the wound becomes a scar afterwards. But if the wound gets properly treated, there would be little or no scar? That's because the purpose of scars is to create a protective tissue which is tougher than your original skin so that you can be better protected in the future- now, even though the intention is good, scars don't make you look good and also points to the fact that you're also expecting that same thing to happen to you again. The same thing applies to emotional wounds, they create scrars when not properlly treated and these scars makes us sensitive, hardened and sometimes paranoid. And even though we might sometmes block out bad people from our lives, we also block out good ones. And remember that such scar would have been prevented if the wound was properly treated.
And many times what people call healing is one form or the other a psychological defense mechanism. So the fact that you can't consciously remember an emotionally painful incident does not mean you've been healed of it, it might just mean that you have repressed or suppressed it into the recesses of your unconscious mind. And with the right triggers the pain even though suppressed will come to the fore.
So what is my submission?
Time alone does not truly heal, TIME and TREATMENT does. So if you went through an emotional pain or trauma in the past, please go for treatment. And if you are going through an emotional pain presently, don't just wait for time to pass by, be proactive.
Get your life back!
Talk to a professional today!
I value you!
Miracle O. Ihuoma
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