Friday, February 16, 2018
Ain't we going round in a circle believing that we're making progress when we're only just expending energy?
This is the circle: In January we are all fired up and everyone feels like they can literally move a mountain from one location to another. Many of us make resolutions, some set goals and very few write down those goals and pursue them yet we all want to achieve "the same" result. That momentum goes on for about a month or two and then we relapse back to our default mode of laziness, procrastination, lack of can fill in the remaining gap. And that continues till we get to EMBER months; it then occurs to us that people from the village have been pursuing us and are basically the reason why we haven't achieved so much(yet we go back in December to meet them). And then comes November when we begin to move from one prayer meeting to the other looking for the God of the 11th hour and a lot of us get fixated on that till the 31st of December when "everyone" goes to church to receive a word for the year. And then the cycle begins over again.
Does this sound or look like you?
Then you need to ask yourself a fundamental question; why does it happen that way? I'll help you out a bit.
There is nothing mysterious about a new year. There is nothing mysterious about achieving success in a year or going round in circles. Or maybe here is the mystery- right things done daily compound into success, wrong things done daily compound into failure. Your year would end the same or even worse than last year if you still hold on to the same beliefs, values, attitudes and relationships. Yes! We focus a lot on the outside forgetting that what happens around us is a reflection of what is going on within us- first within then without.
Remember that insanity is doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result. Sanity would then be using different strategies till you discover the one that works and then stay with it; and when it becomes obselete (it sure will), you change the strategy again.
In all, don't be carried away by the frenzy of a new year. Without a new you everything continues to be old except the days that come by. Remember that you cannot pour a new wine into an old wine skin. In other words in this context, you cannot achieve anything in the new year being the old you.
If this year is going to be any different, then you have to be deliberately deliberate.
In the spirit of being deliberate, I present to you two great opportunities: My Relationship Mentoring Programme which is a one year mentoring plan on relationships which you get to subscribe with a token of a thousand naira, if a student #500
And secondly is our Online Premarital Coaching Programme which comes up on the first week of February. Yoh can get a 30% discount today.
Hit me up now and don't procrastinate.
Happy new year!
I value you!
Miracle O. Ihuoma
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