believe that before an individual ventures into something, whether business or
relationship, (s)he needs enough knowledge concerning such venture. But it is a pity
that people prepare for almost everything except (love) relationships- an
individual just wakes up one morning and decides to enter into a love
relationship without requisite knowledge. Dear friend, knowledge is what gives
you an edge over others.
lot of people in love relationships are looking for escape routes while some
others are eager to enter. Whatever category you are; if you are in a
relationship, this article will help strengthen you and also help you make
necessary adjustments, if you are not, this article is just for you, read with
rapt attention because it will definitely save you a lot of heartaches people
are having in relationships. I seriously wish that everybody knows this before
getting married; divorce rate will reduce by 50% if not more.
just before you enter into a love relationship…
Every living thing or being has a source and
cannot function effectively outside the source. The fish cannot survive outside
water (its source), the plant cannot survive outside the soil (its source), and
human beings cannot survive outside God (our source). Humanity cannot actually do without
should first be vertical (with God) before horizontal (with people). Anyone that
does not have a cordial relationship with God may not have a successful love
relationship- because it is God that teaches you how to truly love.
just before you enter into a love relationship discover God and make sure
will go out with has also done the same.
is the reason for your existence. I think it was Martin Luther King (jnr) that
said that “If you don’t have a reason to die, you are not fit to live”. And I also think that if you
have not discovered your purpose, you are not fit to enter into a love
blind man cannot lead a blind man, they will both fall into a pit/ditch said
Jesus of Nazareth. If you don’t know where you are going, why jeopardise
another’s’ destiny by taking him/her along with you?
it amazing to know that the first thing God gave Adam wasn’t a woman but a
sense of purpose? “And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of
Eden to dress it (Genesis 2: 15)”. But how come a lot of people go into love
relationships without having an idea of their God given purpose- that is a
journey to destruction (sorry to say but it is the truth).
just before you enter into a love relationship discover your purpose.
value of a product to a large extent s determined by the price it was purchased
for. But when the true worth of something is not discovered, abuse is
inevitable. But a lot of people have an “escapist mentality”, they want to hide
their lack sense of worth by rushing into a relationship. And when you have not
discovered your worth /value before entering into a love relationship it will
show. One of the consequences is that you will begin to attach your esteem to
the person you are going out with. Another consequence is that the other person
can treat you anyhow and you will still have no choice than to remain in the
instance it is only a lady that has not discovered her worth/value that will be
slapped and beaten up in a relationship and still remain, in fact some have
gone to the extent of rationalizing the character deficit of their partner. It is
only a lady that has not her worth /value that will see it as a privilege for a
guy to sleep with her or compromise her value because he has threatened to quit
the relationship if she doesn’t. You are more than this dear!
before you enter into a love relationship discover your worth/value.
you do not develop yourself before entering into a love relationship, you will
not have anything to give when you do. And thereby you will become a parasite and
I bet you, no one wants to relate with a parasite for long.
are like a building, the better you become, the better the kind of people you
attract. Just like an uncompleted building will attract rogues, a completed,
well painted and furnished one will attract millionaires. Don’t enter into a
love relationship prematurely.
you want to attract will determine how well you want your building to be before
you put it up for sale. Don’t put it up for sale too quickly. Develop yourself
thoroughly. Avoid becoming a thing to be used, rather endeavour to become a
being to be respected.
just before you enter into a love relationship…Discover God, Discover purpose,
Discover your worth/value and Discover yourself.
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