Thursday, September 15, 2011
This article is not geared towards belittling women or to seek gender balance but to awaken the sleeping giants in our ladies.
A lot of our ladies are adding to the wealth of the grave. Gone were the days where women were not allowed to speak in public or spear head a project. Now everybody (gender) has equal chances to succeed. Yet we still find uncountable amount of house wives who have neither vision they are running with nor any purpose that is driving them. We are no longer in the masculine world!
If you look carefully, you will find out that we have very few ladies that are ambitious. Many of them are still hiding under he umbrella of ‘Help mate’. 80% of people controlling things in the world are men. Look at the music industry, look at the political industry, economic, media and social industry. They are all controlled by guys. In my discipline for instance- psychology, no woman propounded any school of thought. The first 50 richest people are men. What a gender misbalance!
Despite all the theories that states that men have more potential for leadership than women and the one that states that men make us of their brain more effectively than women do, both genders were created in the image and likeness of God. The difference between a man and a woman is that women are womb-men. So women wake up! You have a purpose and a reason for existence, pursue it. You were not just created to give birth and become house wives.
You didn’t go through the rigors of school to get that certificate just for you to end up in the kitchen? You can become the next mother Theresa, Oprah Winfrey, Mary Slessor and the rest. You can become more than a figure head queen (of England). You can produce something intellectual. You can become all God wants you to be.
Venture into the education industry, cause a change in the political arena, affect the socio-economic industry.
You can become more than a sex object. You are a special piece, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
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