Friday, February 6, 2009
Some people are in lust, thinking they are in love while others are infatuated thinking they are in love.Love, lust and infatuation are three different things.Love is a deep positive feeling towards somebody or something.Lust is a sexual feeling towards somebody while infatuation is being filled with deep unreasoning feeling.When you are infatuated, you are being cotrolled by chemicals called phynethylamine.
The males are made up of a hormone called 'Testosterone' which makes them wants sex while the ladies are made up a hormone called 'Estrogen' which makes them wants love and relationship.It has been said that most ladies that went into sex ,went into it not because they really wanted to do it but because they wanted to keep the guy or the relationship.
Be careful as a lady when a guy tells you that you are the sugar in his tea and that you are the coackroach in his cupboard.Biologically, too much of sugar causes diabetes, so becareful cause you might give him diabetes one day.And also a coackroach in the cupboard when seen is killed.So be careful cause you might be killed.
And also it is because of the testosterone that will make a guy tell you that if you love him you should prove it (by having sex with him).The next time a guy tells you to prove that you love him buy him a gift (probably a book) but if he insists that love can only be proved by sex, then I will advice you to also make a demand on him by telling him to also prove his love to you by walking naked ten miles away from where you are.If he cannot grant your request then do not grant his.
Any guy that wants to have sex with you does not love you!so quit!you may not like it but it's true.
Love gives but sex takes, love shares but sex retrieves, love cares but sex destroys.
Had it been sex is love or love is sex , God would have had sex with every one of us because the bible says 'God so loved us'.
Any one that wants to have sex with you hates you .Run away from such a one,he/she wants to destroy you.You must first love yourself before any bodyelse can loves you.Love is first horisontal before vertical.
Note: The guys hormone is made up for sex while the female hormones are made for relationship so when sex meets with relationship it becomes 'sexual relationship'
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