It is no news that we are emotional
beings and simultaneously love beings. Without love there is no life, therefore
we can say that life is inversely proportional to love. Starting from the love
of our parents, to the love of God, the love of our teachers, the love of the
opposite sex and so on.
This innate need has set us on a search
for love. But it is a pity that a lot of us are searching for it in the wrong
places. Some persons have searched for it in sex but did not find it others
have searched for it in the opposite sex yet the vacuum is still there.
One thing we all need to know is that
there is a source of love and there are channels of love. There is only one
source of love, who is the creator of love and that is God. Every other person
or thing is just a channel of love. Love should first be vertical before it is
horizontal. Anything that is not from the right source is considered fake. Stop
searching for love in wrong places!
Another thing a lot of us do not know is
that love is reflective. So many people do not love themselves yet they are
expecting others to love them. Yes, others may but no love can be a replacement of self
So stop searching for love where you
cannot find it. Look upward and inward- these are the primary sources of love.
If you have not gotten love from these two places please do not bother
searching for any other place; if you do, your heart might be used to play
football or table tennis depending on the favourite sport of the person you
gave it to.
Now, please listen to this- even if another person is sincerely in love with you, (s)he cannot help it if you don’t love
yourself and if you have not experienced
the love of your creator!. Love is first within…then without, first upward
then…outward. Don’t mix it up.