Sometime back I used to agitate when I heard things like “e no easy o” “Life no easy” and the rest. I thought that to say that life or some things are not easy is anti-covenant and negative confession. But after series of thoughts and researches, I got a different perspective. For instance, I came to realize that there is nowhere in the Holy Scriptures where it is written that life or certain things are going to be easy. In fact we are told the exact opposite in scriptures- we are told things like, “In this world you will have tribulations…”, “Call upon me in the days of trouble (because he knew that there will be one)”, “Fear not (because he knew that there will be reasons to fear)” and many others. I now totally have a different view about the word easy. I wish two things were not in the dictionary- Easy and impossible.
But we have a consolation. For the fact that it is not easy does not mean it is not possible. It means that more doggedness and sophistication is needed in whatever you are doing and want accomplished. Despite the fact that the scriptures did not tell us that it is going to be easy, it did tell us that it is possible. Here is the complete version of our above examples- “In this world you will have tribulations but be of good cheer I have overcome the world”, “Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you”, “Fear not for I am with, be not dismayed for I am your God, I will help you, ye I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness”
So my major concern is not whether it is easy or not but whether it is possible. And if it is possible, I want to go for it. And the good news is…It is possible!
The idea about telling us that things may not be easy is because people can be complacent to life. They expect everything they want to fall on their laps without personal effort (and please when I say personal effort I’m not trying to circumvent the grace of God or faith, I’m just complementing it). Show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith by my works.
For instance, resisting sexual pressures before and outside marriage is not easy or is it? But it is possible! The discipline involved is not cheap talk but hard work. It may pain but it will pay at the long run.
So does the principle apply in every other facet of life. Making first class is not easy…but it is possible. Maintaining career success is not easy…but it is possible. Cultivating a healthy marriage and family is not easy…but it is possible. To have good health is not easy…but it is possible. To marry as a virgin is not easy…but it is possible. To marry without heart break is not easy…but it is possible.
Note: For the fact that you are not experiencing it does not make it impossible.
Impossibility is only in the realm of the mind. With God all things are possible. All things are possible to him that believes. There is a big disparity between easy and possible. It may not be easy but it is possible (and that’s what matters).
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Philosophy: “The reason your sex life is not a news now is because you are not yet a news, when you become a news, your sex life will also become a news”
Over the years, I have come to realize that there is a strong correlation between your character and your destiny. Rev Sam Adeyemi said “You cannot succeed without character”. Any success without character is no true success and will not last.
And as we all know, the sex urge is the strongest urge in human nature. It has built men and it has destroyed men. It has sent many to hell and it has brought many into this world. It was sex that resulted to people like Bill Gates, Barrack Obama and the rest and it was also sex that resulted to one of the deadliest diseases we have- HIV/AIDS. Sex management needs to be taught because if you cannot manage your sex life, you still have a long way to go.
Bill Clinton would have been the best president America ever had but he wasn’t because he slept with a lady called Monica Lewinsky. That was also one of the reasons Hilary Clinton did not win the 2007 democrat primaries, because people said that they could not vote for a woman whose husband does not have control over his emotion.
Mike Tyson’s blow used to weigh 50kg until he raped a lady and was sent to prison and by the time he came out was no longer as fit as he used to be, that was when he resorted to using his teeth instead of his fists-he lost a career.
Tiger Woods almost lost his career because of a non-mastery of his sex life, he was the richest sports man before the scandal but fell to about the fourth on the list but thank God he is back. Nevertheless, he lost a wife (they got separated) and has exposed his children to a dysfunctional home.
I’m sure you know about the man called Strauss Kahn who was the IMFchairman and a presidential aspirant who was likely to have won the election but stooped so low by sleeping with a maid and as it were wrecked his political career.
But also you may not know the guy called Ethyl Messin, a great footballer who was speculated to be a better player than Ronaldinho but didn’t have a chance to unleash his potentials before he was sent to prison for sexual harassment , and by the time he came out was over aged to keep up with his career.
I’m not sure you will also be familiar with the name Ibabuchia, a great boxer who was sent to jail because he raped a lady.
We can keep going on and on to mention many more people who have had their destiny destroyed because of this three letter word-SEX. I’m also very sure that you know at least two people that would have had better lives if not for premarital or extramarital sex.
If there is no other reason to stay sexually pure, do it because of your destiny; because your destiny is greater than your present, your destiny is bigger than you.
Quote: “He that does not have control over his/her sex life is like broken walls-(s)he should not expect to be protected against failure”

Monday, August 5, 2013
As I sit at the balcony of my house with my pen and book thinking on how to start writing this article, I just had a flashback to about six, seven years ago when I used to go and buy books from a particular Christian/motivational book shop. The bookshop is not the issue here but the salesgirl in the book shop. After about one or two years of patronage, as my custom was I went to buy myself a book one of those days when I discovered that she was pregnant. Note that she wasn’t married; she became pregnant out of wedlock. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I wondered why she could become pregnant out of wedlock when she works in a bookshop that contains books that could teach her how to combat her habit. I pondered how she could be in the river and wash her eyes with spittle. I asked, is it that she didn’t read the books or she refused paying attention to the wisdom in the books?
She became an epitome of the person Solomon Jesse talked about in proverbs chapter one- “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge…? But you have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear comes. Wisdom cries without, she utters her voice in the streets: She cries in the chief places of concourse, in the goings of the gates: in the city she utters her words….”
Apparently, she wasn’t a learner. It’s so disheartening that when people say you are a learner today, they mean that you are a novice. Well…I would rather be a novice learning than not learn at all and be considered wise. Wisdom is in learning. Foolishness is in pride.
Boundary Ajegunle is a place where the cheapest books are being sold yet Ajegunle which is ironically the base of wealth remains poor and its people keep wallowing in servitude and mediocrity. Young people, learn! Learn! Unlearn! And relearn! Keep learning! Learn from books, learn from tapes, learn from seminars and conferences, learn from the bible, learn from people, learn from your pastor, and learn from your experiences but most importantly from other people’s experience. Never let a day pass without learning something new, because every day gone can never be regained. Keep abreast of facts, be current, and be versed. Have the breadth and depth of knowledge. The breadth of knowledge is to know something on everything while the depth of knowledge is to know everything on something. Knowledge is a liberating force. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. If you are not a learner, destruction awaits you ahead.
Are you a learner? If I’m asked that question my answer will be “Yes I am, for life!” So are you?
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