Philosophy: “And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion…”
God is the creator, we are the creatures and both of us are the creative. Our philosophy above says that God made us in His image, after His likeness- The image in this scripture represents His physique while the likeness represents His attributes and capabilities. Therefore, we can say that we look like God and that we have His characteristics. And one of His major characteristic is “CREATIVITY”- “In the beginning God created… (Gen1:1)”. The first thing God did is attributed to creativity. And since we are made in God’s image and likeness, it means we are creative- We have the creative ability.
Every human being is creative, whether we believe it or not. But it is a pity how many die without unleashing their creative power. Because the creative power was given to us as a potential, but it is our duty to unleash that potential. And if you don’t, it will remain dormant in you. A realization of this truth is the beginning of creativity. The Americans for instance are not right because they are white. No! It is the realization of this truth that puts them in command.
The Webster dictionary defines creativity as bringing into being: cause to exist: Make or produce something. It must not be an invention but it could be- It can be a book, an album or some other thing but make sure you are producing something different, making something new, bringing into being something unique and causing to exist something spectacular. Somebody said God stooped creating on the sixth day, on the seventh day which He began to rest He handed to us the baton of creation.
God created the tree but it is left for us to create the furniture. God created the sand but it is left for us to create the block and build the house. So God has even made the work very easy for us because everything we will create is already in what He has created.
So you may be asking me how you will tap into this creative power. Well, that’s a good question. There are a number of ways but for the purpose of being concise, we will mention a few: Tap into the power of your mind and brain- Take the advice of E.W Kenyon “Read until your brain sweat”. Think and meditate. Pray to tap into the realm of the supernatural. And you are ready to draw from the depths of your creativity. Don’t let anybody deceive you, you are as creative as any other person, your area of creativity may just be different.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Joyce Mayer was asked, “How come you succeeded overnight?” Guess what she replied? “That overnight took me twenty years” There is no short cut to success. Short-cuts will only cut short your destiny. The shortest cut to success (apart from mentorship) is the shortest cut to failure.
The law of process states that, “Success does not happen in a day, it happens daily”. Without paying the price of success you cannot obtain the prize. Success for sure has a price tag. Success they say is not a destination, but a journey. It might take me ten years while it takes you twenty years, depending on where we are going and the route we took.
Do you know that the gold does not worth much until it goes through the refinery (process)? Do you know that your tea bag has no value until it has entered hot water (process)? Do you know that the full potential of an orange can never be realized until it is squeezed (process)? Every overnight success will vanish overnight.
What you get when you follow short cuts is Ishmael, what you get when you follow due process is Isaac. What you get when you follow short cuts is the forbidden fruit, what you get when you follow due process is the Garden of Eden. What you get when you follow short cuts is 430 years in the wilderness, what you get when you follow due process is 40days to Canaan. What you get when you follow short cuts is death, what you get when you follow due process is life. What you get when you follow short cuts is shame, what you get when you follow due process is a name. What you get when you follow short cuts is failure, what you get when you follow due process is SUCCESS!
Success is achievable, success is feasible, success is possible! You will succeed!
Quote: “I f you jump up you will fall down, but if you grow up you will stay up”
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