Tuesday, April 17, 2012


There is a popular saying that says that youths are leaders of tomorrow. And I sincerely agree with that statement, because every leader today was once a follower, every man was once a boy and of course every woman was once a girl- It is followers that grow to become leaders. For instance Nelson Mandela was once in primary school; Barrack Obama once sucked his mother’s breast somewhere in Kenya. So we could say that they were followers yesterday but leaders today.
But I have a problem with the emerging leaders of tomorrow- youths. I am not sure we are ready to take the Barton of leadership from our predecessors and effectively carry out the various assignments God gave us. Because the youths I see today are ones that are totally unambitious. The youths I see today are ones that prefer to buy good outfits and electronic devices than invest in knowledge. The youths I see today are ones that are seriously engaged in all forms of social vices.
I can assure you that this is not the path our predecessors took that made them this successful. I can beat my chest and say that the likes of Nelson Mandela were not chasing after girls in the streets. I make bold to say that all these adorable role models consciously worked their way to the top. They deliberately developed and prepared themselves for the positions they attained.
But with what I see, I wonder if we will ever have a generation of good leaders any more. With what I see I wonder if we will break past records and raise the bar for the coming generation. With what I see I wonder if we are raising leaders or social miscreants.
I no longer hear and see people who have a desire to sacrifice all for the betterment of their country and humanity. I no longer see people who have a dream like Martin Luther had and are ready to give up everything including their lives to see that dream come to fruition. What I see on the contrary are leaders and more painfully potential leaders who are ready to have all at all cost, people who are ready to give up all but equivalently have all. People who care more for their pockets than the valuable lives of people. What I hear potential leaders say is how much they intend to loathe when they get to positions of authority- What a pity!
But there is hope! Because for every Elijah that thinks he is the only prophet remaining in the land, there is a God telling him that there are seven thousand others in the city. For every bird at hand, there is a million in the bush.
I want to believe that you are in with me in this fight. If you are not, please join me. In this country for instance, we have endured poor leadership for a long time and we cannot leave the future leaders of this country to fate, chance or luck. If we cannot influence those already there, lets influence those that will be there.
I believe that we can! We must! And we will!
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