Monday, October 17, 2011
Even Jesus himself said he came for the sinners, He said people that are hail and hearty do not need doctors, rather those that need doctors are the unhealthy. If you lost a coin out of hundred, scripture speaking, won’t you light up a candle, take a broom and search for it? Will you because of ninety nine forget about one?
I wouldn’t know why, but I know that God always has a soft spot for bad people- Almost all of Jesus’ disciples were bad boys before they became disciples. Zacheaus was a tax collector but Jesus dinned in his house and that of so many other sinners. Paul of tarsus was a persecutor of Christians but became an instrument in the hand of God. You could term him- “From persecutor to propagator of the gospel”.
David was an adulterer, a stunk one at that but the bible describes him as a man after God’s heart. God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
God does not consult your past to determine your future. God is not a respecter of persons he is always in the ministry of turning useless to useful, trash into treasure, mess into message and dirt into identity.
Remember, whatever enters into the hand of God is no longer bad. In fact, God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called.
If we come to this truth, we will no longer condemn people; we will no longer feel that we are better than others. We will accept every body in the house of God. We will truly be converted and come back to God. There is no kind of person God has not used- Fornicator, adulterer, drunk, smoker, blasphemer, murderer, fraudster or whatsoever you may be into. And there is no kind of person he cannot use.
The more reason why God needs you as a bad boy/girl is so that your experience can become a message to turn others to him.
Just like the father of the prodigal son, God is always with open arms waiting for you to come in. He is not far, you are the one that is- Draw near to him, and you will find that he is where you left him.
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