Thursday, January 13, 2011


Once upon a time, in the country called Nigeria, virginity was held in high esteem, it was cherished and preached. According to the stories of my father, if a young man married to a damsel, a white cloth was placed on the bed of the couple to make sure that the lady was a virgin, if she wasn’t, it become a shame to the family of the girl, the parent especially the mother of the girl is seen as irresponsible because she was not able to teach her daughter the right moral values. But if she was a virgin, the cloth that was placed on the bed of the couple is now carried with the blood on it to the family of the girl congratulating them for their heroic effort in ebibing good moral values into the lady.
But like I started the article, it is once upon a time? All these are now history. Infact I never met this when I was born, today reverse is the case; virgins are seen as aliens, dummies and morons. While sexually active teenagers and adolescent are seen as smart, clever and wise. Virginity has been displaced in our society. Right moral values are not more being incocated in the lives of our young ones. What are we doing about this? I am not saying we should start placing white clothes on the bed of new wedded couple; I am talking about building the right culture and values. We are no longer placing values on the right things. Virgins are now even feeling inferior to those who are virgin, sometimes they even go ahead to lie just because they want to feel among. If you are a virgin carry it with all pride and dignity don’t be ashamed to tell necessary people that you are a virgin.
What will be special on you wedding night if you have been sleeping with your fiancĂ© or fiancĂ©e before hand? Nothing. Why do you think God placed an hymen on your virgina? Do you think it is a product of mistake? If it were some people would have had hymen while others wouldn’t have had. But 99.9% of ladies have hymen, so it is a deliberate act of God. You cannot be wiser than God. He wants that hymen to broken by one person-your husband.
Lets liken the virgina to be land; as far as I know, every land has an owner and every land that doesn’t want intruders is properly fenced. You are the owner of you land, the fence on you land is your hymen anybody that wants to intrude is a stranger. Once the fence of a land is destroyed, it has lost its protection. It will be easily molested. Please, I beg you, cherish your land. I am sorry if you are not a virgin, but God is always available to get us back on track, it’s all about you.


The gentle is not man that wears a three piece suit; the gentle man is the man that is courteous.
The gentle man is not that handsome gorgeous man, the gentle man is that man that has discovered his reason for existence.
The gentle man is not that man with six packs and broad chest, the gentle man is that man that will protect a lady with it.
The gentle man is not that man that is fluent and eloquent, the gentle man is that man that knows how to talk to ladies and people.
The gentle man is not that man that is a phlegmatic introvert, the gentle man that man that will never lay his hands on a lady.
The gentle man is not that man that has a degree, the gentle man is that man that will never abuse nor rape a lady.
The gentle man is not that man that is Melancholic in nature, the gentle man is that man that is gentle in spirit.
The gentle man is not that man that has read books the gentle man is that man that has become a book that others can read.
The gentle man is not that man that has communication skills and oratory power. The gentle man is that man that understand ethical and life skills
The gentle man is that man that has control over his emotions, will and mind. The gentle man is that man that has a strong relationship with his creator. The gentle man is that man that is matured spiritually, emotionally and mentally. The gentle man is that man that will learn and increase in learning, he is that man that has killed his ego and has allowed God to lead him
Here comes the big question. Are you a gentle man?
Quote: “The woman came from a man’s rib not from his feet to be worked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected and next to the heart to be loved”


I am beginning to wonder if beauty is synonymous to nudity. Can I be covered and yet beautiful? Questions like these pop in my mind as I walked around and was that over 40% of ladies were revealing a part of their private part.
Is it that we can no longer deduce the difference between private and public part? The Webster dictionary defines private to be (1) restriction to the individual: PERSONAL (2) carried by individual independently while public is defined as: exposed to general view. In a layman’s definition, we can say that our private parts are those parts of the body which is not for everybody to see and touch, while public parts are those parts that can be seen and touched by everyone. With these definitions can we say we understand the difference between public and private parts?
I agree with the fact that we have all seen that breast of Beyonce and Shakira, I do not argue with the fact that lady Gaga exposes her body, but another fact that you should agree with is that Mitchel Obama has never exposed her body, I have never seen the queen of England or any other queen show us her cleavages. So who do you want to be?
There are so many causes of rape, but one of the integral ones is nudity. Guys are moved with what they see. Why flaunt what you are not ready to give. Private offers are not for the public, so it is not advertised, it is only sold to the stake holders of the company, so no outsider is permitted to make a demand. But when a private offer begins to be advertised, it is no longer a private offer, it has become IPO (initial public offer). Keep what is private private and what is public public. When you begin to flaunt your private part as a public part, then people have a right to make a demand. Lets take clothing back to its original purpose which we were told in social studies – to cover our nakedness, not to reveal them.
It has been proved that more than 90% of people who dress nude are suffering from inferiority complex, they want to be noticed and look attractive but that’s not the best way to be noticed or to look attractive. I have discovered that you can be covered and yet beautiful, even more beautiful than those who are exposing their body.
Hear what Muhammed Ali told his daughter Hana: “Hana everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layer and layers of rock. You’ve got to work hard to get them”. He looked her with serious eyes. “Your body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too”.
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