Friday, April 10, 2009


PHILOSOPHY:"Service is the fastest and easiest way to the top"
He that will not serve is the real slave.Service is a sign of humility.So non service is the proof of pride,which is an offspring of low self-esteem.
Service is the easiest and fastest way to the top.A wise man said:"If you don't serve you cannot have".And I conform to it,because he that is faithful in little,much shall be given unto him.The best and the best gift to give your mentor is SERVICE.
John asked Jesus who will take over after he had left guess what Jesus replied,'He that wants to become the greatest must first become the least of all'.If you are too big to do small things than you will be too small to do big things.
Dr David Oyedepo said:''A hand that cannot carry chairs cannot heal the sick".If you are priviledged to attend the church this man pastors,you will see how m.d's,c.e.o's are serving as santuary keepers.You will see how car owners are sreving as bus stewards,then you will be challeged to serve wherever you find yourself.
Leadership is actually servant-hood turned inside out.Every great man you see today was once and is still a servant.Leadership is all about responsibility and that is what service is all about.Somebody defined service to be serving like an ant[serve-ants].You don't stumble into success.Life is governed by principles and this is one of it.
you can actually serve your way to the top.


It has been said that the primary need of people is 'FAME'.Everybody wants to be porpular.People want children to run after them when passing on the streets,thay want thier faces to be shown on television,they want to become celebrates,they want to have dinners with the top guys in town and so on............
That's nice but when fame becomes your priority,you end up in shame.People have deviated from God's plans for thier lives because of the word 'fame'and have started following careers that are in vogue[as it were].
Whatever you are doing,do it to impact and not to impress.Are you using your talent to show off or to show forth?.Life is all about impact.You won't be remembered for the people you impress,you will only be remembered for the people you impacted.Therefore if you are doing whatsoever you are doing to impress,then you are not following God's plan for your life.
Dr David Oyedepo said:"Don't seek to be known, seek to know and when you know poeple will know you".So many of us are seeking to be known instead of seeking to know.What you know is much more important than who knows you because what you know ultimately determines who will know you.The irony of the issue is that when you impact people,you end up impressing them.But when you impress them thay will only miss your presence.
So I urge you never to do anything to impress but to do every thing to 'IMPACT'.
QUOTE:"Impartation is the key to manifestation"
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