Monday, November 3, 2008


''Your friend may not be your mentor, but your mentor can be your friend''
''Your friend loves you the way you are, your mentor loves you too much to leave you the way you are''
''Your friend is comfortable with your past, your mentor is comfortable with your future''
''Your friend ignores your weakness, your mentor removes your weakness''
''Your friend is your cheer leader, your mentor is your coach''
''Your friend sees what you do right, your mentor sees what you do wrong''
''Your friend advices you, your mentor challanges you''
''Your friend inspires you,your mentor motivates you''
''Your friend is one that listens to you, your mentor is one you listen to''
''Your friend prays for you, your mentor teaches you how to pray''
''Your friend gives you money, your mentor teaches you how to make money''
''Your friend teaches you, your mentor teaches you how to teach''
''Your friend spends for you, your mentor invests in you''
''Your friend comforts you, your mentor changes you''
''Your friend is your sub-synergy, your mentor is your super-synergy''
Your mentor cannever be a tormentor, instead he/she cataports you to the next level.

Monday, October 27, 2008


philosophy: ''......I am wonderfully and fearfully made.........''
A mad man is not recognised in the community because he cannot make proper use of his brain.
Isn't it amazing how complex God made us? Depositing powerful things in us like the BRAIN.
The computer cannot be compared to the human brian.The human brain is one of the greatest giff God gave us.It is so incredible and I know you will succumb to me after a few minutes.
The average human brain can actually take in two million bytes of information per second.Dr Ben Carson one of the world most famous neurosurgeons said to me in one of our meetings that ''if a hall of 10000 capacity is completely filled and somebody is brought out to take a look at the crowd for one second.Fifty yrs later if he performs an operation , take off the cranial bone, put in some depth electrodes, stimulate the appropraite area, this person will not only remember where every one in the audience was sitting but also what they were wearing.That's how powerful the brain is.It's not an exggeration.
It has been said and proven by scientists that our small brain(so to say) can store 100trillion facts.It can process more than 10000 ideas in one second.It can learn more than 10,ooo languages and so on...
Have you seen that we have not even engaged more than 5% of our brain?.Your brain can process informations even more than the computer.Infact it is even the brain that manufactured the computer.
It's left to you to put your brain to work.Think and read until your brain sweats and see results that will be produced.



There was a man who lived over 4,000 yrs ago once upon a time.This man lived nine hundred and sixty nine yrs(969).He happens to be the man that has lived longer than any other person on the face of the earth.The name of this man is ''methusela''.Based on reseach, the only thing that was recorded about his life was how long he lived.
Come along, we are going somewhere.But there is also a man that lived over 2000 yrs ago, this man is a total contrast of the first man mentioned.This man lived for just thirty three and one-half yrs(331/2yrs), what a short time he lived compared to the methusela that lived for 969yrs.This man made so much impact that he happens to be the best selling author till tomorrow.He is a mentor of mentors,a leader of numerous leaders.So many inspirational, motivational and christain novels has been written because of him.He has over forty billion protegees, dead and alive.The name of this man is 'Jesus'.
Mind you, I am not trying to preach Jesus but I am trying to draw out a point which you will still know about very soon.Which of this men lived longer?Methusela right? which of them was supposed to make more impact?methusela, i am not mistakan.But which of them made more impact?; Jesus, right, yes.
Life is not how long you live but how well you lived.You won't remembered for how long you lived but how well you live i.e how much impact you made.The fact is that you only have one live to live,why not maximise it.
Discover what you are created to do and start doing it.The food for thought now is: ''Do you want to become like methusela who lived for 969yrs without no impact or like Jesus that made so much impact that at the mention of his name every kneel bows and every tongue confess.People have lived for 120yrs without any thing attached to their age, thay have done nothing to be remembered for.Live out your life to the fullest and make sure you die empty, fufilling all that God wants you to fufill.Don't add to the wealt of the grave.
it's not how long but how well!!!
miracle o. ihuoma
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